Emma Brown
984 pts
I am an inquisitive individual who channels knowledge into writing. I am a creative who enjoys writing whether it be an eBook, article or even "to the point" posts.
It is always good to make the best of what you have rather than what you think is the best. Do not be anxious about the faults. The word 'imperfection' is originated from 'perfection.' Even the most imperfect condition has some small element of perfection in it.
You improve your life by changing your thoughts. If the thoughts you think are true, your life will be happy.
23 Master Selling Tips
➤ Talk about product values for your customer, not about a product.
➤ Focus on the right direction.
➤ Focus on realizing that we are helping them.
➤ Be very simple and sharp.
➤ Always be loyal to your product.
➤ Always tell the truth about your product.
➤ Create real urgency.
➤ Highlight the benefits of your products or services.
➤ Ask more questions.
➤ Invest time on qualified buyers.
➤ Compare your product based on value, not prices.
➤ Never debate with buyers.
➤ Define and understand your buyer.
➤ Always say, buyers need. Understand that, "We are not selling to them; we are selling for them."
➤ Be clear and sharp to the point speaker.
➤ Be emotional. Understand that "people never buy because of logic, they buy because of emotions and they try to justify it with logic."
➤ Give some logical examples related to the buyer.
➤ Before you start your day, check out your mood, are you feeling okay? Ask yourself. Try to improve your mood and make sure you are feeling confident before you try to sell.
➤ Talking is just around 20% of your efforts. The other 80% is the effort used to listen to the buyers. That gives you a hook to connect with them.
➤ Go straight forward into talking about the product.
➤ Be sure about your product. If you are not sounding confident, the buyer will not buy.
➤ Give more in-depth knowledge about the product. The more you know, the more questions you can answer confidently.
➤ Research about competition. Know about their product in comparison to the one you are selling.
➤ Don’t use a forceful tone that makes the buyer feel they are being forced to buy.
1. Create a vision for your life.
By creating a life vision you can determine what the end objective or destination.
2. Go after your dreams.
Your time is short so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Sadly, too many of us do, caught in a life that isn’t right for us by fear and inertia.
3. Smile more.
A smile may not hold the doctor away, but it can make you feel great, make others trust you higher, and lead to a longer life.
4. Get happy with being you.
You were made by the Universe for a reason and you are a one-of-a-variety. Own who you are.
5. Create routines.
Whether it's a morning prayer, evening manuscript or weekend mealtime, routines can help you include your values into your life.
6. Perform Meditation daily.
Your asset of a few minutes of time will come back to you tenfold in the form of improved insight, inner peace, creativity, and kindness.
1. Start believing in yourself and your capacity to succeed.
When it comes to success, nothing is more significant and powerful than self-confidence and belief in oneself. In fact, if we want to be successful, self-belief is more significant than intelligence, talent, background, or just about anything else.
2. Permit your emotions to flow through you.
At the point when a solid negative feeling begins, watch the feeling in your body without judgment, realizing it will pass - instead of nourishing it with stories in your mind or putting away it somewhere down in your heart.
3. Be happy for others.
Sometimes it can be hard to be happy for others, but defeating those jealous tendencies can lead to significant changes in your professional or social life, as well as your emotional wellbeing.
4. Slow down.
A slower-paced life means making time to enjoy your mornings, rather than rushing off to work in an excitement. It means taking time to appreciate whatever you are doing, to enjoy the outside, to actually focus on whomever you are talking to or spending time with — instead of always being attached to a phone or laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails.
1. Treat your body well.
It is your house on this earth so sustain it with water, whole foods, walks, yoga, and exercise.
2. Be gentle with yourself.
Be gentle with your self as we move within these intense energetic times. You are facing parts of yourself you’ve been at war with and you’re developing into someone new
3. Allow your feelings to flow through you.
When a strong negative emotion arises, recognize the feeling in your body without judging, realizing it will pass - instead of sustaining it with stories in your psyche or putting away it somewhere down in your heart.
4. Stop saying ‘Yes’ when you want to say ‘No’.
If you say NO to someone it doesn’t mean that you are being arrogant, greedy, or unkind. These are all unhelpful feelings that make it difficult to say no. Do not let the anxiety of being judged, rejected or disliked stop you from being yourself.
1. Listen to your inner voice.
Listening to your inner voice and then following your intuition can be difficult, but it is necessary for living a happy and joyful life!
2. Start trusting your own intuition.
Your intuition begins as a feeling within your body that only you feel. Since the feeling is so personal, nobody else can say something to educate you if you are in contact with your gut intuition or not. You alone have to do the call. Along these lines, believing your instinct is simply the last demonstration of trust.
3. Don’t take other’s problems as your own.
It is natural that we are affected by the emotions and energy of the people and spaces around you but It is incredibly important to establish clear emotional boundaries, or we can become so overwhelmed and overstimulated by what’s going around us that it’s sometimes hard to function.
1.) Spend more time with people that make you feel better.
Spend more time with a person who makes you laugh when you are broken and people who do not take life too sincerely. Surround yourself with the people who can laugh at themselves — those who do not pretend to be perfect and don't expect you to be either.
2.) Stop making excuses
Building self-discipline is all about establishing an end to excuse. It's about taking charge of your behavior and your life. It's about making the most out of all life has to offer, and if you want to get the most out of life, you have to get up off your backside and go after your aims.
3.) Plan out your week.
Know your top aims and preferences and plan your week around them; otherwise, you will get cleared away by the pull of the modern world.
4.) Take more breaks.
If you feel stressed and want to enjoy more in life, take breaks from your work. Taking breaks at work can make you happier, reenergized, more focused, and more productive.
1. Nurture the relationships you have with others.
Relationships are not static—they are living, changing aspects of our lives that require attention and care. In order to benefit from strong relationships with others, you should deal with your connections and put in the effort and energy you would some other period of your prosperity.
2. Begin treating yourself as you need others to treat you.
If you want others to treat you better than start treating yourself better. Start by acting like you are someone who really matters. When you begin treating yourself better you will discover others will do likewise.
3. Develop an attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude is magic; it makes what you have complete and attracts more honesty into your life. You are blessed to be living.
1.) Simplify your life.
If you are feeling confused, track what you do in a normal week and see what you can eliminate, possibly too much television, worrying or social media scrolling is not helping your highest good.
2.) Focus on solutions rather than problems
You must begin to start concentrating on ways to really resolve the problem by focusing on solutions. Do not just respond, take the time to fully examine the problem then make a list of possible solutions.
3.) Spend more time in nature.
Nature can help you to remember the regular excellence, knowledge, and stability of the Universe, it also takes you back in touch with your soul.
4.) Start forgiving people who hurt you
As the Chinese adage says: "Holding onto anger resembles grasping a hot coal with the expectation of throwing it at another person; you are the person who gets injured."Forgive others and set yourself open.
1.) Quit making a decision about others and accept them as they are.
When you judge someone, it affects you more than the other character. It tells more about you than the other person. You convey how you observe the world. It shows the pre-conceptions your mind has. Instead of judgment, observe and be curious. Seek more knowledge. Expand the gap between research and outcome.
2.) Celebrate everything.
Small wins build your self-confidence and build you up to have more progress, look for more ways to have fun for yourself and your loved ones.
3.) Start loving yourself
Self-love means loving and truly accepting everything that makes us be who we are! It is enjoying all that we have been given, our gifts, our talents, our ideas, our feelings everything that makes us uniquely us.
4.) Stop competing with others.
You are dragging yourself into the circle of being better than others. What other posses you might not have the same thing, but likewise what you have no one else does. Healthy competition is okay but the competition just to be better than someone is not good.
1.) Relinquish everything that never again serve you.
When we find something that we want in life, we sometimes hold on so tightly for fear that we will fall it. At times, our minds can make us think we need these things and out of this fear we keep on to them for dear life. When we hold on to these things that we believe we need, we let go of the trust and faith that we are always encouraged. It is normal for things to come in and out of our lives, and the teaching is to trust when it’s time to let some elements go.
2.) Forgive yourself for your past mistakes.
Having the option to yourself pardon for your past mix-ups can improve your perspective and your ability to identify with others in a positive manner. Unmistakably having the option to excuse others is fundamental for solid social relations, yet having the option to pardon yourself can likewise assume a job by the way you communicate with others in your life.
1. Make your own happiness a top priority
It is important to make your happiness priority. But most of us spend your day taking care of others. But remember your happiness matters. Start focus on yourself and start doing things that you love the most and enjoy your life fully.
2. Stop wasting your energy and time with people that don’t respect you.
Self-respect is a word that means valuing your worth, protecting your dignity, and taking pride in your strengths. Without self-respect, we are responsive to being used, hurt, and harmed by other people. If someone disrespects you then stop wasting your time and energy on these people.
3. Start breathing properly.
Proper breathing brings good health. It helps in stress reduction and proper functioning of our body and mind.
4. Start living in the present.
Being present-minded is the solution to staying healthy and happy. It helps you fight stress, cut down on your anxiety and keeps you grounded, connected to yourself and everything around you.
Picture yourself succeed and the day running just as planned
Think about a recent win or a related task that had great end finishes. This will also help you to work harder towards your aims, so you get that wonderful feeling of being satisfied after completing a difficult task or even better, finally reaching a goal you set awhile back.
Look – we all know it’s hard to stick to these routines. I have found that whenever I do, I have a great day no matter what goes down the hill. And when I don’t, I am far more likely to get kicked up by life’s passing dramas.
It’s not easy to build a routine and sometimes it’s really hard to keep it up – but it’s really, really worth it. That I can promise.
Do you want a productive life? Start by reclaiming your morning and setting the mood for your day. Don’t just spend it on Facebook, getting absorbed into the email vortex, and on other peoples’ plans.
Give it a try for two weeks and see the difference that it makes!
Discover Cues to Reset Your Mind
If you find you are having difficulty staying in the moment as you get ready for work, find a way to refocus your thoughts. I have noticed that the moments between tasks—stepping out of the bath, for instance—are great as mental cues. When you start to think about your morning movements this way, you can train your mind to automatically snap to the present as you complete one and start the next.
Locate the Good
Whether about work, relationships, or yourself, your complaints are cleared, but it’s not a good idea to stay on them as you plan for what’s ahead. Put them away, and rather focus on what is going right in your life. Intended gratitude is an approach that many people use to create a positive mental environment for themselves. When used in the morning, gratitude can affect the course of events you’re about to encounter.
Everyone has a morning routine. The thing that makes difference is whether you go to work stress-free or just walk out the door worrying is how to go through the routines. Routines are not expected to be gone through without a thought.
Rather than using your routine as a crutch to get you up and moving in the morning, use it as a way to concentrate your mind. You shouldn’t significantly use your time with your morning coffee to tackle the day’s problems, though. Be present and find a middle ground.
It’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list you keep in your mind. To keep yourself from spending your mornings worrying over what you have to do, just check in with yourself.
Ask yourself how you’re doing.
Focus on how your body feels when you wake up, refresh yourself, and get dressed.
Are you anxious or relaxed? Are your thoughts drifting, or are you able to concentrate on the job at hand?
Once you measure where you are mentally, physically, and emotionally, then you can work toward finding balance.
Find time for yourself
Even 10 minutes calm can make lots of difference, trust me. And it doesn’t matter where you find it, try sitting calmly before anyone else wakes up or while they’re getting ready. You can even get a few minutes in your car before you get into work - it doesn’t have to be about forming the perfect setting, it’s more about finding a short rest before the day really gets begun. This is a simple one to try and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.
Get focused and stay focused.
Ask yourself how you can add value to the day, whom you can help, and what you can make better. Make a list of tasks or open up your planner to see what the day takes, and remind yourself of your long-term aims. What are you working towards and why? This is also essential: do not stay on yesterday. It is a new day and all you can do now is make today reach its greatest potential.
Meditate daily
Meditation is an excellent way to renew your mind and body. After drinking some water, spend some time quietly meditating. It generates a positive state of mind that will keep you motivated during the day. Because it overcomes stress and anxiety, meditation is an easy way to increase your mental health.
Exercise regularly
Exercising is not just important for your physical health. There are many reasons why exercising is the best way to start your day! Exercising improves your ability to transfer glucose and oxygen throughout your brain and body. It is a natural way to help you feel more active.
If you don’t enjoy going out, experiment with the various ways you can get moving! Do yoga, try cardio exercises, learn how to weight, or do all three. Different types of exercise will help you in different ways.
Take fitness classes, try a trainer, work out at home, or go to the gym. Look for exercise plans and new exercises on fitness websites or on YouTube. Working out early in the morning is very beneficial. It improves your focus and helps you stay alarmed throughout your workday.
After sleeping for hours straight, your body gets dehydrated. The very first action you should do after waking up is hydrating your body by drinking water. This will increase your digestion and assist you with feeling revived when you start your day.
Staying hydrated is additionally essential to your cerebrum work since it's made of 76% water. By drinking water before anything else, you're feeding yourself for the rest of the day. Whenever your body is running low on water, your brain function will suffer.
You’ll also experience tiredness and fatigue that definitely stops your workday. You'll feel genuinely and sincerely exhausted and be bound to get serious migraines throughout the day. Not exclusively do these aches cause physical suffering however they can likewise prevent your ability to focus.
These habits are reasonable ones you’ve been following for years, but it’s never too late to make a difference. The initial an hour and a half after you wake up are certainly significant. If you start your day great, you’ll be more focused and fruitful.
Mornings are stressful. No matter how many hours you sleep, it looks like you are always still sleepy and tired when your alarm goes off. If you are one of them who spend some time checking your phone to see what you missed on social media while you were sleeping and see what emails have already started messing up your inbox.
You may not have the time to have breakfast, yet you generally overdose on caffeine. You rush to get ready, need to deal with traffic, and reach late at the workplace.
Then, your schedule for the rest of the day is managed by your overflowing inbox. You do not feel in control of your life. You feel like you are living out the desires others have set for you. You feel frantic, hurried, and you fight to complete any truly meaningful work. A bad morning can seize the rest of your day.
Does this sound common? If yes, then you need a better morning routine!
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Unlock Your True Potential: Enlight the power within youBelieve in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. -Roy T. BennettThis quote directly mirrors your potential that you are not identifying. It's just like, "You have it, and you don't know it."Are you aware of the potential or the strength that you have? Well, I know, very few people realize that if they push their limits up to specific points, they can get what they want. What your potential is, you can't even imagine of. Unless you apply your entire possibility to work, you can't get...
Hello There, Welcome to the Master, your brain Group.You probably know a friend or colleague who has an incredibly negative outlook on life. The first step is understanding that your brain is not just a passive organ. It is constantly working on tasks that require concentration, memory, attention, and problem-solving. You need to learn how to use your brain effectively.Share your experience and read encouraging stories to create a community where we can support each other.Join the community today.!Why Should Join this Group?It is recommended that you practice a new and challenging activity on a regular basis to build and...
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25 Constructive Life Lessons that we Learn Too Late in Life
Priceless. I couldn't stop reading it.
Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals: Valuing Dreams and Goals
Quite accurate... we should stay away from such people.
write your own story
Awesome post
Do what you like
Very nice post