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Love You vs. I Love You: Understanding Expressions of Affection

You must have noticed people who are in a relationship or have been in one, declaring their love to each other by those loving words. The most common one is obviously an "I love you."

But you also have noted that more often than not, they say this by dropping the 'I' and ending it with "Love you." Both the ways are alright. But somehow feels different, right? The absence of the word 'I' makes it seem less personal and casual, isn't it?

Mostly you will notice that this is said during a hurried situation like leaving for work. But it is not always so. Sometimes a partner or both the partners in a couple just say "Love you" instead of "I love you." And many times, they are alright with this.

Now, what difference does it make with both the presence and absence of the "I" in it?

The truth of the matter is there is no significant difference between these two. It mostly depends on how a person perceives it.

Some may take it as hesitancy to commit or fear of it. In contrast, some may think that it is perfectly normal and does not indicate any intentions.

Even still, there have been many instances where couples are troubled over the difference of these phrases and are trying to understand it with depth.

Below are some of the points that may help clarify the difference between both or what it means to both partners in a relationship.

Love You Is General

Love you without the "I" sounds really vague and general, to anyone's ears. Think for yourself. You can say this phrase to almost anyone, can't you? You can say this to your brother, father, mother, relatives, friends even your partner. Then what is so special about it? Nothing! It is a general phrase. And can be for anyone.

So do not be surprised if your partner one day tells you that your quick love confessions no longer hold meaning for them.

I Love You Contains More Feelings

You may also be guilty of overusing the phrase-Love You. Of course, it gets meaningless with time.

However, you won't be throwing an "I love you" for anyone, would you? They are too precious and personal for you to do that. Your "I love you" are special, right? So you are only going to offer this to the ones you feel deeply about.


Love you is very informal. Not too much, but it still is. It correlates to the first point. Some people are very casual about these things. They don't always seem to stress or fuss over the aspects of their lives that an average person will. Neither they would fuss upon the customs and norms.

If you or your partner are this type of person, then it doesn't make any difference here. Such a person will simply say "Love You" instead of "I Love You." This is a part of their character and personality. And this will not make any difference in the emotions they feel to say such a thing.

A partner is a person of few words.

For the majority of people, verbal confessions mean everything. You only love a person when you confess these words to them, time and again.

While it may be necessary to outright say it to them that you love them, but it is only when they are unaware or unsure of your feelings for them. When you are confessing for the first time to them, you don't necessarily have to say these even after you have been together for a significant amount of time and know each other well.

Moreover, there are people who do not always want to tell you how much they love you. They'll instead show you how much they love and care for you in their own ways. That is just their style of confessing. So don't be worried if your partner does not go around declaring their love for you. It's enough to show you.

I Love You Is More Vulnerable Yet Courageous

When you say "I love You" to someone, it basically entails that you are opening your heart for them. That they will have access and place in your heart.

Just take a minute to think about it this way. So many unspoken and unexpressed feelings we have locked up or sheltered in our hearts. Giving access to someone over it will be so scary, right? However, this will make you so vulnerable as another can, and manipulate your feelings as they will want.

But it also shows how courageous you are for the same reason. You are trusting a person for handing over your feelings and accessing them for the things that makes you vulnerable—and then trusting them with the belief that they will not abuse it. And I think that trusting a person with anything precious takes an act of colossal courage, doesn't it?

I Love You Sounds More Romantic (& Is For Partner)

Again referring to the points as mentioned above, this is a phrase that holds more feelings for the person this is directed to. "Love you" is vague and general, as explained. It can be basically for anyone. In special cases, even for a stranger.

But when you also include the "I" with it, it just changes the sound of everything and also provides more weight to the statement. Just a perfect recipe for a romantic confession, right?

When you say these words to your partner with sincerity and intensity, they are sure to get weak at their knees.

Love You Is Gratitude & I Love You Is Affection

Take a note of it. If you have gone through the above points carefully, you might have already figured this out. Yes, "Love You" in general is to express your gratitude to someone.

Imagine yourself saying, "Love You." How are you picturing yourself? Saying this to your mother for providing you a delicious meal? Or to your friend who is the first to wish you a happy birthday. Or on the extremely rare occasion saying this to your sibling for saving your ass (We do those at such special occurrences in our lives, right?).

You can only imagine such similar instances to say this, don't you? When you are expressing gratitude to someone.

It also depends on the circumstances you are in. You will say it like this if and when you are saying it multiple times in a day. It might not necessarily make it any less meaningful.

It is a part of their personality.

Again, it might not mean anything. This is just who they are. It is a part of their personality. As I said, they are just casual about it as it describes them perfectly. This may be the most natural thing for them to do. And it also means that they don't set a high bar for things, especially for showcasing their feelings.

It also makes it easier to express it more in comparison to the full statement. This also results in them expressing love more and more every time. This makes it a good thing, right?

Committal & Non-Committal

Many believe that "Love You" is a slightly non-committal phrase. As per the above arguments, this phrase is informal and casual. And you can easily and quickly direct to anyone in general, bypassing any kind of attachment.

You will not bring any attention towards yourself while saying this, not much at least. And it is also vague. So these all make it a little non-committal.

Similarly, a full "I love you" is not general, nor is it vague. It is always reserved for your special people in your lives. You are going to save this "I love yous" and only offer it when you really (or hugely) mean them.

You are not going to say it to just anyone, will you? It is a proclaimed declaration kind of thing. This makes it more formal and also makes it committal.

Just A Trying Tactic

Saying a "Love You" is a short scheme with lower risk attached to it. You can easily check the reaction of the person you have said it to. It is a bit subtle as well. The blow these words will have on the person will below. They won't be too shocked or confused after this. And you can save yourself easily by phrasing it with any other thing.

This is a sure way of knowing someone feels about you through their reactions and not getting yourself in much trouble. Either you get a comment after it or not. But you are sure to know your place after this. Besides, since it is non-committal, you can easily deny everything.

Might Just Be Their Habit

Maybe your partner (or you) just like the phrase. Or they like the way it sounds, how it rolled off their tongue so easily and smoothly. It makes them utter this phrase every time they are actually confessing, even.

They are flattered or fascinated with it and are readily imitating this. This could even be subconscious on their part. So anyway, it does not make it any matter of concern. Quite the opposite, actually.

Lower Emotional Quotient

Emotional Quotient or EQ is the measure of a person's emotional intelligence. Just what IQ does for intelligence.

For people who struggle with emotions or possess lower intelligence in that aspect, "Love you" are much more preferable. This gives them a chance to express their emotion and comfort. They don't have to step out of their comfort zone to overcome this problem.

Saying this gives them all the chance they can get to have this achievement without having to lose much on their behalf. They can get a denial and distance even after confessing. It sounds like a perfect deal to me!

It May Mean Absolutely Nothing

Yes, you read it correctly! There may be nothing associated with this behavior. This is just a normal thing for them and does not hold any hidden meaning for them. And here you are, scraping your brains unnecessarily.

To get this that this means normal to them needs some time. You only get to realize this when you have been familiar with their behavior pattern and personality. You have to spend time with them and get to know them in order to do this.

But if you are asking yourself the meaning behind the different ways your partner says the "I" word, then it is safe to presume that you have been together for quite some time. So it must not be a problem for you to decipher why they say what they say?


To conclude all this, it is not necessary that it may mean anything if your partner is saying "Love You" instead of an "I Love You." However, it depends on your partner and how they are. It also depends on the circumstances in which these words are being said. This article briefly winds up that both these phrases do not make a huge difference. It is more of a preference of the person who has said it.

It also gives them a different level of feelings and meaning in the way they have been spoken. I love you is, in general, a reaffirmation of your feelings for your partner, even though both of the phrases mean the same thing. "I love you" just brings more assurance mentally.

Plus, "Love you" is usually uttered in the lighter moments to express love. Whereas, most of the time, "I love you" is more serious and intense. So much that the other people present at that moment can also feel the seriousness, sometimes.

But be sure not to use both the phrases lightly, or it may cause serious confusion, especially if someone you have told these phrases has secret feelings for you. So you must be careful before just saying these sentences to anyone. Think before uttering it.

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