Garima Batra
13 pts
Rising Star
n our fast-paced lives, we get little or rather no time to focus on our health, especially our skin. The lifestyle we follow and the food we eat has a huge impact on our health and most importantly our face. Pollution, dirt, dust and UV rays from the sun can make your skin dull, dry, oily and tanned.
While some are born with magnificent skin, others have to make a lot of effort to ensure their skin is healthy and gorgeous. For those who fall in the latter category, here are some simple hacks using easily available ingredients to take care of your skin in the best natural ways.
Apply grated tomato/potato/cucumber on your skin as it is. You can mix these with rose water for a hydrating effect. For dry skin, mashed banana with honey is another option to moisturize your skin.
Besan is the best scrub for all skin types. Mix it with up turmeric and rose water and gently exfoliate your skin for a minute. (Honey can also be added by all skin types for moisturizing). Let it dry and rinse off with lukewarm water. Oily skin people can mix yogurt, whereas, dry and combination skin can go with malai (fresh cream). Apply this scrub twice a week.
Mix lemon juice with honey and apply for good 15-20 minutes. Sensitive skin people should add a few drops of water/rose water to dilute the lemon juice. Even used lemon peels can play the role of a scrubber/loofah for your skin. Coat them with sugar and scrub your skin gently.
Aloe vera gel is the best natural mask that can be applied on your face. Keep it overnight and let your skin absorb it. Use daily for best results.
n our fast-paced lives, we get little or rather no time to focus on our health, especially our skin. The lifestyle we follow and the food we eat has a huge impact on our health and most importantly our face. Pollution, dirt, dust and UV rays from the sun can make your skin dull, dry, oily and tanned.
While some are born with magnificent skin, others have to make a lot of effort to ensure their skin is healthy and gorgeous. For those who fall in the latter category, here are some simple hacks using easily available ingredients to take care of your skin in the best natural ways.
Apply grated tomato/potato/cucumber on your skin as it is. You can mix these with rose water for a hydrating effect. For dry skin, mashed banana with honey is another option to moisturize your skin.
Besan is the best scrub for all skin types. Mix it with up turmeric and rose water and gently exfoliate your skin for a minute. (Honey can also be added by all skin types for moisturizing). Let it dry and rinse off with lukewarm water. Oily skin people can mix yogurt, whereas, dry and combination skin can go with malai (fresh cream). Apply this scrub twice a week.
Mix lemon juice with honey and apply for good 15-20 minutes. Sensitive skin people should add a few drops of water/rose water to dilute the lemon juice. Even used lemon peels can play the role of a scrubber/loofah for your skin. Coat them with sugar and scrub your skin gently.
Aloe vera gel is the best natural mask that can be applied on your face. Keep it overnight and let your skin absorb it. Use daily for best results.
The panic of Coronavirus has forced all of us to go self-quarantine. While this free time would lure us to gorge on junk foods, dress up in comfy pajamas, and take a break from our exercise regime, we suggest you stay active. It will not only help in strengthening your immune system but will prevent you from gaining weight (with all the binge-eating). This would be the best time to take charge and work out and be your trainer.
For those wondering how this could be possible as the gyms are shut, we enlist few easy ways for you to indulge in a regime. We did use to work out before the gym culture became a part of our lives, right?
Plan a minimum of 30 minutes workout every day. The more the merrier since you are indoors 24/7 but don’t overexert. You can stick to a particular type or a combination of stretching, yoga, power yoga, Pilates, Zumba, aerobics, etc. Get out that dancer in you and just get grooving. There are many fat burning and morning exercises which can be done in the bed too.
YouTube and TV channels are all flooded with various workout video sessions which you can do that too without any equipment.
Stretch your body and tread on the yogic path to reduce panic and stress during this time. Practice deep breathing exercises and yoga asanas or meditate as they will help in keeping your body healthy, improve your respiratory system, and provide calmness.
Indulge in yoga as it will help relieve stress and reduce panic. There are a variety of fitness apps available that will help you achieve your goals, be it meditation, stress reliever, insomnia, etc. Our personal favorite is the urban yogi. Decide your goal and perform the asanas accordingly.
There are times when you want someone by your side, but no one is there to comfort you. You have to deal alone. This is life. You first have to help yourself. Then others can and will. No one can help you better but yourself. Others can just advice or suggest or make you feel light and cheer you up or influence you. It depends on you how you get through the problem.
Sometimes, it is very tough to stay strong. There are times you want to cry out loud. There are times you want to be left alone. There are times you want to run away and take a break. There are times you want to skip a plan and stay at home and there are times when your own sweet home is killing you from inside and you want to get some fresh air. There are times you want to lock yourself in the four walls of your room. And there are times when you just don’t want to stay inside. It is very easy to advice others and give suggestions. But when the same or similar situation comes before you, then you fail to apply your given advices and suggestions. Funny, isn’t it?
Life takes a turn when you least expect. It indeed is unpredictable. Things get better when you stop expecting. But not expecting is tough because if you love someone and if someone is important to you, then expecting is normal. When you stop expecting, that person no longer holds that special position in your life. Once gone is gone forever. Quite true.
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