Shweta Mundhe
354 pts
There are many things that cause forgetfulness. To prevent this we have got some amazing tips.
Following are some easy hacks which will help you to remember what you read:
• Revise the notes before you go to sleep.
• Read loudly instead of simply reading.
• Give a mock test.
• Draw diagrams.
• Learn through flow diagrams.
• Make short notes and give a quick view before you go for exams.
• Take a walk so that you will feel fresh.
• Drink more water. Stay calm.
• Meditate for 15 minutes.
• Discuss the topic.
• Try to teach someone what you have learned.
• Revise thrice before you go for an exam.
• Have enough sleep.
• Listen to instrumental music before you go for exams. This will activate your brain cells.
• Have good food which enhances your memory.
Firstly, we do it procrastinate because we are lazy. We procrastinate because we are afraid.
We do it because we are afraid of:
• We think that our efforts are not enough.
• We’ll fail.
• We’ll succeed.
• We are not enough.
• If it won’t be perfect, then what’s the use?
There are many reasons though but here are some tips for scheduling your day which will help you to void procrastination:
First of all, set goals.
• Make a good schedule.
• Have some breaks in between which will refresh you in between the work.
• Prioritize your work.
• Reward yourself after every task.
• Make a short to-do list.
• Find a good workplace.
• Avoid distractions.
• Give some time to socialize. This will help you to remain fresh and full of energy.
Here are some tips which will help you to destroy procrastination. Give some time to yourself and take enough time to complete the task. Don’t afraid to take small steps as well as they can lead you to complete the whole task with confidence.
The fear of failure is the main reason for procrastination. People often procrastinate as they get afraid of failure in the task given to them. This may lead people to avoid finishing the task.
19 things we can do about it:
1. Avoid distractions.
2. Work on your habits.
3. Use the tools you like.
4. Review your goals regularly.
5. Make it public.
6. Use a short to-do list.
7. Use the right works.
8. Make it fun.
9. Set a reward for completing a task that resists getting through.
10. Break the work into small and specific tasks.
11. Manage your energy and not your time.
12. Do not afraid to leave.
13. Track your time.
14. Learn to say no.
15. Take a small first step.
16. Routines help.
17. Make decisions.
18. Stay calm.
19. Don’t panic.
Here are the six tips which will help you to lead in your career:
1. Have a career plan:
Set goals and set the plan for it.
2. Take career risks:
Having risks will help you to grow in your career. This will help you to lead.
3. Choose one thing that is most important in your next role:
Think about the future and find out what is more important for you. Later, work for it and try harder to live that role in real.
4. Market yourself, but stay on theme:
When you work for your dreams, market yourself. Let people know about you and your work, this will boost your success.
5. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want:
Ask for what you want. If you don’t ask, you can’t grow, so go ahead and ask.
6. Put yourself forward to be developed as a leader:
Don’t get afraid or don’t have any self-doubt about yourself. Just take part in various opportunities and develop yourself as a leader.
There is an increasing demand for people who have an attractive personality. Personality doesn’t mean having an attractive body but an attractive point of view, the ability to handle situations, and many more.
Some more good personality development tips at a glance:
• Keep a smart head and keep cool: speak less and listen more.
• Don't Copy anyone: Create your own way to express your own ideas. Your ideas can be million-dollar ideas, so don’t copy ideas too.
• Create your own personal style: observe people and create your own best style.
• Don't doubt yourself: Have confidence and believe yourself. Your self-doubt will lead you to no-where.
• Be An Active Listener: Listen to more and more people. This will make you wise.
• Be executive in dress: Dress like a boss. Do not dress like a teenager in your work-place, this will make a bad impression.
Here are 5 things which always steal your motivation:
• Fear.
Fear can be very dangerous for your motivation. Motivation usually leads you to take action, but your fear stops you from doing so. So leave your self-doubt and fear and take action.
• Wrong goals.
Wrong goals are unrealistic goals. Unrealistic goals are impossible to achieve, which can demotivate you. So keep your goals realistic and work hard for it, and you will get motivated for the next one.
• Lack of clarity.
Lack of clarity usually leads you to nowhere. First, clear what you want in life, and then you will get to know how to work and how to make it possible.
• Lack of challenge.
Challenge makes growth in you. Zero challenges lead you to nowhere, which can ultimately demotivate you when you find your competition.
• Loneliness.
This can be the biggest demotivating point. Try to socialize. Initiate conversation, and this will not make you feel lonely.
It’s very hard to find motivation for a workout. Even after feeling good while working out, if we skip to workout then it feels bored to workout daily again.
Here are some tips to get motivated for a workout:
• Put your workout clothes on. Maybe you can feel tired to workout but try this trick. Wear the workout cloths and you will automatically get pushed to workout.
• Write down how you feel after your workout. Keep a little journal and write down how you fell after every workout. So when you are bored, just read how you feel after that.
• Variety, variety, variety. Variety might interest you to workout.
• Surround yourself with motivation. Surround yourself with the people who are passionate about working. This might motivate you a lot.
• Everything is easier in a group. You can work out with your friends, this will motivate you to work and it will be more fun.
Here are some tricks and tips which will help you to stay focused and motivated:
• Don't Assume Money Will Motivate You.
Always think of your goal. It is not always that money will motivate you. It’s your dreams which make a difference.
• Make sure what Your Goals are.
Always stay cleared to your goals. They might change but try to be cleared and don’t change them again and again.
• Visualize The Results.
When you are in no mood to work then visualize the moments when you will achieve it and life after having that. It will motivate you to work.
• Break The Goal Down Into Smaller Pieces.
Divide your goals into smaller tasks. This will help you to simplify it and achieve them faster.
• Get Organized.
Don’t get disturbed and messed. Schedule it and then organize your daily schedule and work.
Here are some of the tricks which will help you to motivate you to work:
• Find work that interests you.
Set your goals and work for them. Always work for what you love. You will love to work if you do what you love.
• Request feedback from your boss or colleague.
Work hard and ask for feedback. If it's good, then celebrate and reward yourself and if it's not good, then take it as a guideline and work hard for the next task.
• Learn a new skill.
This will help you to maximize your creativity and add a special presentation in your work.
• Ask for a raise.
Challenge yourself. If you are receiving the same type of tasks, then ask to raise the challenge. This will improve your skills with another level.
Here are some tips which will lead you to find motivation in life:
• Note how much time you are spending on different tasks.
Always keep records of what you are doing throughout the day.
• List the Steps that Will Lead to Fulfilling Your Dreams.
There are always some small goals that lead you to your bigger goals, so track all the goals and the ways to get to them.
• Do a Goal Check.
Keep records on how much you have worked for achieving your goal.
• Overcome the Fear of Failure with Small Risks.
Try to socialize. You can even get confidence in public speaking.
• Overcome the Fear of Criticism with Silence.
Do not bother with criticism. Always put your attention in good and positive things. Make a habit, and you will lose the fear of criticism.
• Divide Up Your Goals.
Divide your goals into small tasks. This can make your goal achieving process real quick.
There are many ways through which you will not lose your motivation in school. Some of them are mentioned below:
Acknowledge your accomplishments.
• Focus on high-impact activities.
Taking parts in sports and any other activities require your total attention and focus. So, try them out, and you will get the motivation to go to school.
• Create new challenges.
Challenge yourself in sports and studies as well. Sports will definitely challenge you with the games but find someone who will challenge you in studies. This will improve your grades.
• Make new friends.
Try to socialize yourself. Try to make friends daily. At-least have a simple talk with new people.
• Find a social support network.
Make your bonds strong with your friends and teachers.
• Set goals.
Set attainable goals and work for them.
These are the ways through which you will stay motivated in school. Always accept challenges and find new ones to tackle them. Set new attainable goals and complete them. Try to be social and make new friends.
Here are some of the ways to stay motivated for school:
• Break larger tasks into smaller ones.
Breakdown your bigger tasks into smaller ones so that you can complete it faster.
• Don’t get tensed at the beginning of your project/presentation.
Just be calm when you start the project. It seems too much at the beginning.
• Reward yourself.
Reward yourself after every task. Reward yourself after every week when it comes to studying.
• Set your goals and study for it.
When you set your goal, you get the direction. So get motivated and work for it.
• Use your friends to motivate you.
This can be the best way to motivate yourself to go to school. Make good friends and get motivation.
• Study well.
Poor grades can also be the reason to avoid school. So, start to study from the beginning. Start from the small topics and you will definitely get good grades as well.
The good news is you can get over depression! This can be hard but not impossible.
Here are some of the ways which will help you to get over depression:
• Get your hands dirty.
The study says that with mice a certain type of bacteria is found which enhances the production of serotonin. Serotonin helps to decrease the symptoms of depression.
• Go for a walk.
This releases your good-feel hormones which help you to get over depression. Daily exercise of 30 minutes also helps you to get over it.
• Get out of your bed.
With the help of positive affirmations, you will definitely get positive results. Your brain always digests your thoughts so keep them positive.
• Don’t overschedule.
If you complete only 1 or 2 tasks, it's fine. Congratulate yourself on completing it.
• Socialize.
Choose positive relations. Try to help someone in need this will change your life and mood both. Try volunteering. Encourage people to socialize with you when you are up for it.
To work efficiently, you need to prioritize your important work first. This is the first step to get your things done. Set your goals and then prioritize the important ones over the others.
We have brought some of the important steps to build your work efficiency, they are given below:
• Make fewer decisions.
• Use the 80/20 rule.
• Focus on the important work first.
• Avoid distractions.
• Take breaks.
• Take breaks after a certain time.
These are the steps that will help you to build your work efficiency. Smaller breaks play an important role in increasing your work efficiency. So, while you study, take 10 minutes to break after every hour. This will increase your productivity and you will not get bored.
The answer to this question is GOALS!
Don’t find motivation from the outer source as this can be temporary. You can get motivation by just exploring your goals more and more. Know about your goals as much as you can.
The outer sources of motivation will just boost your willpower but later it will fade. Motivation lasts only for 2-3 days only. To stay motivated for a longer period you just have to know about what kind of life you want.
Know the thing which is a must for you to do! Explore as much information as you can and you will stay motivated towards it for a longer period. Know about what are the things you need to do to achieve it and you will come to know what can motivate you.
Motivation comes from your goals and the sources just boost your willpower and efficiency that is!
Motivation is the thing that leads you towards your goals. It affects you mentally and increases your willpower. It will start to initiate, guide, and induce you to work for your goals.
According to psychology, motivation acts on that basic impulse, which optimizes well-being, pleasure, and many more.
By getting the right motivation, you will have these changes in your life:
• You will start to work regularly with full dedication and efficiency.
• Take daily motivation.
• You will not get bored with your work.
• You will work with total attention to your work.
Before starting to get any motivation, get these things cleared first:
• Think about what exactly you want from life.
• Set realistic goals.
• Make a plan towards it.
• Work hard for it.
• If failed, take it as a lesson.
• Ability to not give up.
To get motivation is easy but it lasts for a small period so we have brought you some tips and tricks which will help you to stay motivated for a longer period.
Here are some tips and tricks:
• Set a goal.
• Commit to the end of the goal.
• Surround yourself with like-minded people.
• Always have long term and short term goals.
• Have a number of short term goals so when you achieve it you will feel to work for the next with more dedication.
• Reward yourself.
These are the basic tips and tricks which will keep you motivated for a longer time. The main thing which will keep you motivated is GOALS only. Nothing can motivate you to go forward than goals. Without goals you cannot achieve anything in life so have fixed goals, get motivation and work for it.
To find motivation and purpose in life, you need to first make a mind to change your life. Be ready to give up all your laziness and all your excuses you have made.
These are the ways which will give you the purpose in life:
• Your mind and meditate for at least 2 minutes.
• Think about what you exactly want in your life and note it down.
• Goals may change with time, so initially, just keep it simple and realistic.
• To add purpose in your life, wake up early in Clear the morning.
• Have a walk and exercise so you can remain refreshed all day.
• You will get motivation by knowing about your goals and some external sources.
These are some tricks that will add purpose and motivation in your life. These are the initial steps. If you are serious about it, then start from these tips, and after mastering this, you will level up your dreams.
Motivation acts as a driving force which helps you to increase your willpower and concentration towards your work. It helps you to push you towards your goal. It increases your dedication level and efficiency at your work.
There are many sources to get motivation from; such sources include audios, music, video, certain people and many more. Staying motivated is a bigger challenge. Some people need daily motivation and some people need frequent motivation. Normally, motivation lasts for only 2-3 days.
To stay motivated for a longer period there is only one solution. The solution is that you need to get motivation after every 3 days. Daily motivation will be the best thing to reach your goals. Daily motivation can help you to reach your goal even earlier as you can be able to work for it with more dedication and time.
Motivation is a driving force that leads you towards your goals by increasing your willpower. Try to work with motivation every day to work with dedication and efficiency. Work without motivation can lead you to fail in giving 100% by just not dedication and efficiency.
It helps you to improve your productivity and brings out your true potential. You can work better with motivation as it increases your willpower and keeps you energized all the time.
These are some tips to improve your work skills:
• Correct yourself and others privately.
• Praise others publically.
• Make rewards for yourself and employees.
• Provide continuous feedback to your employees.
• Believe in your employees.
These are the skills which will help you to improve your performance and to get motivation. At your workplace, your employees also can be your motivation.
Motivation is a very important life skill. Without motivation, you just can’t achieve anything in life. Motivation increases your willpower and your energies to work towards your goal.
You can get motivation from many of the sources such as television, articles, audio, etc.
Motivation has many effects such as:
• You set your goal more clearly.
• You make plans to achieve your goals.
• You work harder and harder for your goal.
• You never get bored even after you are working continuously.
• You learn how to manage your time for every skill.
• You then make schedules and work for it more than before.
These are the positive effects of motivation which change your life and lead you towards your goals.