Group Details

How to forgive and Let go
By Amatullah
Letting go of a hurtful person or event can be one of the hardest things to do. When we are faced with unforgiveness, we may start to feel bitter, unhappy, and even resentful. This hurts us not only in the present time but also in the future.It is important to understand that when someone else has wronged you, they have not taken anything from you. They cannot take away your joy or your happiness because these things come from within...
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How to forgive and Let go
3 Members

Letting go of a hurtful person or event can be one of the hardest things to do. When we are faced with unforgiveness, we may start to feel bitter, unhappy, and even resentful. This hurts us not only in the present time but also in the future.
It is important to understand that when someone else has wronged you, they have not taken anything from you. They cannot take away your joy or your happiness because these things come from within and are entirely under your control. The person who has hurt you has stolen your peace, stolen your inner joy, and stolen your belief in yourself.
Purpose of the group
This group will have a detailed discussion on how to forgive and let go. We may include other material that is relevant and helpful in our discussion. Members are expected to participate in this group even if they are not ready to forgive or let go of a particular situation.
The purpose of this group is to help provide a forum for people to grow and understand better the process of forgiving and letting go. We will explore how forgiveness can be accomplished by focusing on the fears that we have about forgiveness, as well as our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about others, ourselves, and life.
Members will be encouraged to discuss their struggles with forgiving and letting go, as well as suggest ideas for others to practice during class time. We will also have time for question-and-answer at the end of each meeting. Finally, we will explore what you can do after you have forgiven someone or when you are ready to let go to ensure that you fully feel your sense of forgiveness or freedom from what happened.
Group Objective:
The objective of this group is to help provide a forum for people to grow and understand better the process of forgiving and letting go. We will explore how forgiveness can be accomplished by focusing on the fears that we have about forgiveness, as well as our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about others, ourselves, and life.
This group will help members to understand themselves and the reasons why forgiveness may be hard for them. It will also provide the space for them to understand what they are feeling and thinking when they are unable to forgive themselves or another person.
What you will learn:
In this group, we will explore various aspects of forgiving and letting go including:
· Gaining a better understanding of the benefits of forgiveness and letting go.
· Understanding why it is difficult to forgive and let go.
· How to be more effective in helping yourself let go of your hurt.
· Understanding how to forgive and how to let go of your hurt.
Short description of the group
When you choose to forgive someone and let go of the hurt or anger that is holding you back, you will begin rebuilding these beliefs. In essence, when you forgive, you will release yourself from the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from experiencing happiness again.
When you choose to not forgive a situation or a person, it can ripple out into other areas of your life as well. These negative emotions and beliefs about yourself can become toxic, and it is important to be aware of this fact.
As part of this group, we will be exploring different types of forgiveness. You may discover that one type of forgiveness is easier for you to achieve, but it is important to understand that each form of forgiveness is valuable.
We will also be looking at various ways that you can forgive yourself and live a more peaceful life. There are many different ways that you can achieve this, and they all begin with understanding the true nature and importance of forgiveness.
There are a variety of misconceptions about forgiveness that people often hold. Those who do not know how to forgive are often unaware that they are living with their version of the illusion or curse called unforgiveness.
Who Can Join This Group
Forgiveness can often be a difficult task because we will not move forward if we do not understand what led up to a hurtful situation in the first place. Your willingness to forgive others is also dependent on your emotional state. If you are willing to forgive and let go of the hurt, you will have better emotional well-being than if you are not willing to forgive at all.
This group is ideal for those:
· Who is struggling to let go and forgive.
· Who is struggling with self-forgiveness.
· Who have trouble trusting and believing in themselves.
· Who feels victimized by others.
· Who enjoys learning about psychology, spirituality, and personal growth.
· Who wants to gain a better understanding of forgiving and letting go
· Those who are willing to participate actively in the group discussions on forgiveness, desire freedom from the cycle of recovery