Dhritikesh Nath
287 pts
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Hi, myself Dhritikesh. I am a professional content writer. I have written many published articles that are earning substantial revenue. Morever, technical writing and ghostwriting are my areas of expertise.

For many, deep sleep is just a matter of minutes. Studies say, that every 5 out of 10 people in the US face difficulty in sleeping. Such is the immensity of the proportion. Well, there are a couple of things that might help you not listen to the owl hooting for long. Yes, I'm talking about falling asleep fast. So, do these 3 things if you can't fall asleep.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation is an effective technique to counter insomnia. It helps you settle your muscles and calm your nerves. Contract your voluntary muscles like lips, cheeks, buttocks, etc. After 10 seconds, relax them by a long exhalation. Do this for 10-20 times, and you'll find natural sleepiness to arise within you. Try this, and watch this work.


Counting the breaths is also an effective technique recognized by experts. Doing this, keeps your mind focused on a single objective. This is effective when your mind is bombarded with millions of thoughts at a single time. So, lay down comfortably, and start counting.


Keeping your eyes open for long might induce sleep. However, you must not blink. Face towards the ceiling, and keep your eyes open. Stay like this, as long as you can. You will notice an urge to keep your eyes urge. This method is recognized by many sleep experts to be one of the most effective ways to fall asleep.


Many turn helpless when they can't sleep. They shout for help, but their voices remain unheard. This is one of those issues that need to taken care of. If you are one of those souls, these posts might be of tremendous help. Abide these faithfully, and you might get yourself out of insomnia.


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Definiteness of purpose and its significance.


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Personality and character

Personality refers to the combination of qualities, attitude, and behavior, that makes a person distinct from others. Character refers to a set of moral and mental qualities and beliefs, that makes a person different from others.

Learning From Failures

"It’s good to have a failure when you are young because it teaches you so much. For one thing, it makes you aware that such a thing can happen to anybody, and once you’ve lived through the worst, you’re never quite as vulnerable afterward.”

- Walt Disney

Celebrate Success. Learn from Failures.

How to fall asleep

A sound and healthy sleep are extremely important. By giving rest to your body, you are in a way helping yourself to feel good and make your body and brain function more effectively.

The power of positive thinking

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the good and expects results that will benefit you. It’s about anticipating happiness, health, and success – essentially, training yourself to adopt an abundance mindset and cultivate gratitude for your own successes and those of others.

Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality.

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