how to make life simple and happy
Life by nature is actually simple. But by your deeds and actions, it gets complicated. However, having said all that, I personally love to keep my life simple. Leading a simple life makes one more efficient, more productive, more energetic, and quite happier. Simple life carries along with a more peaceful and pleasant life.I would like to share a few of my personal experiences that might be of help for you too to lead a simple life. Spend time in solitude. Speak to yourself. Open out your hidden thoughts and you will feel a lot better than ever before. Effective...View more
how to practice self-love and be good to yourself
Practice self-love to believe in yourself. You love yourself and consider to be a valuable and commendable person. You have a positive opinion and judgment in your own self. You believe in self-confidence and set a place for self in this vicious world.Compliment yourself. Congratulate and applaud for your merits. Console if need be. But respect yourself and love more day after day. You will certainly meet, the better you in no time.You are the best person to take care of yourself. By caring for yourself, you also care for the world around you. Because your thoughts and actions are...View more
Life Hacks for Making Your Life Easier
Make life easier is to work towards simplifying your life. It also means to improve your life. You can do this by employing life hacks that can put you in a comfort zone. Daily tasks that appear complex do not last long if you use your common sense and simple tricks.Life hacks are such simple tips and tricks that save an incredible amount of your time. They improve your productivity and help you find quick fixes to annoying situations.21 Best life hacks 21 life hacks are narrated below to help you make your life easier. 1. Every morning as you...View more
9 powerful tips for improving thinking skills right now
Thinking skills are your mental abilities as to how you use a given piece of information and activate yourself in that direction. Thinking skills are essentially the activities that you take up in coming up with ideas and opinions and make decisions. Your strong thinking skills enable you to process information, solve problems, ask questions, make decisions, and organize your life for your well-being.Stay disciplined and confident and set yourself ready to grow for better by building strong thinking skills, like the ones listed down below. Do a why-why analysis. Investigate more into the situation. Question more. Keep asking why...View more

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

15 awesome confidence building activities and exercises
Confidence is the feeling of having a belief in yourself. You are ready to exhibit your skills and perform given any situation under any circumstance. You believe you have the desired talent to deliver results even on an ad-hoc basis.You have a clear head of the state of affairs. With confidence at heart, you act in the right direction and make the right decisions. But this is not the end of it. You need to work out various other strategies and activities that essentially build confidence in you in your weak areas as well.15 such confidence-building activities have been sorted...View more
9 simple steps to achieve true inner peace
Peace is when you stay undisturbed by internal or external circumstances. When you come to an understanding or engage in a social friendship filled with harmony and non-violence, it means you are carrying peace with you. You are said to have inner peace when you keep your senses under control. When you rule your mind to act as directed with a positive conviction, you attain inner peace. Below is a list of 9 ways in which you can find inner peace and tranquility in your daily routine. 1. Spend time with nature.Walk along the countryside. Listen to the music of...View more
How to worry less - 9 simple ways
You worry when you feel anxious about something or someone. Worries are usually negative in nature. Worries generate problems and impact your actions, health, well-being, and personality as a whole. If you worry, it means you carry the feeling that something bad is likely to happen.It is therefore important that you spend the least possible time worrying about your worries. Put an end to the unpleasant and negative thoughts spinning in your mind. If you have a serious concern about your problems and begin to think over much worsening them, you are actually deteriorating your own space. Hence, you have...View more
6 ways to start thinking positively and change your life
Positivity is when you practice being optimistic in your attitude. You think positive when your mental state of mind expects good and favorable results. By thinking positively, you are actually waiting for good health and happiness to knock on your door.Always think positively for the benefit of your mental and physically healthier state. Positive thoughts suppress your negative feelings by killing your stress, causing emotions and hormones. Thinking positively certainly casts change in your life towards betterment.When you attempt to change your life for the better, the first thing that you will probably focus on is your behavior. It is...View more

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12 ways to stop overthinking and worrying
Overthinking is when you spend too long thinking about someone or something. By doing so, you are, in a way, complicating your life and multiplying the one single worry that you are probably facing.Overthinking your mistakes, worries, weaknesses, and problems increases the risk of your mental state of mind. If you are mentally upset, you will not even have the ability to manage your day-to-day routine. If this continues to happen, in no time, you will have to face emotional distress.Overthinking spoils your health, directly and indirectly, and the health of your loved ones. You are messing up your mind...View more
Best ways to develop the intellect personally and socially
Intellect means being clever. You are said to possess intellect if you have the reasoning and the understanding about something; especially with regards to matters that are abstract in nature. You can possess intellect on any subject, and in any field. Intellect can be of a varied nature. However, two specific intellects that generally interest the world are personal intellect and social intellect.Your personal intellect is your capacity to reason about a personality as a whole. This includes having intellect over motives, emotions, feelings, thoughts, values, beliefs, and self-control, to name a few.However, your social intellect helps you in understanding...View more
10 ways to change your mindset to be more positive
Mindset is your way of thinking and acting. Your attitude, mood swings, and disposition of work all account for your mindset. Your way of thinking and reacting to situations, your attitude, and your behavior define who you really are. Mindset is a very powerful personality trait in the sense that it makes you unique from the rest. The way you think is really significant because it has a direct impact on how you feel, how you perceive, and how you react, ultimately causing a shadow effect of self and surroundings.A positive and healthy mindset sweeps with its enormous benefits. You...View more
10 Things You Can Do Every Day to become Smarter
If you want to become smart, you have to showcase it either physically or mentally. You express your physical smartness by being clean and tidy and by being well dressed. You express your mental smartness by being clever, intelligent, and showing the presence of mind with your bright and sharp brainpower.SMART is also alternatively understood to be an acronym as stated below-S – Specific goalsM – Measurable goalsA – Achievable goalsR – Relevant goalsT – Time-based goalsKeeping all this in mind, you have to understand that by using the simple SMART tool, businesses actually work beyond just the goal-setting parameters...View more

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10 Strategies for Building Self-Confidence
Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Therefore, self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself from not just a positive and realistic perspective but also from the environment perspective. In this process, you will gain the ability to succeed.At times you fail to succeed because of the lack of understanding in your inner self. However, you can still work out those grey areas of yours and improve your self-esteem and self-confidence by...View more
10 Ways To Develop Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is your ability to gain control over your feelings and, at the same time, refrain from your weak areas. Self-discipline is that specific behavior that is expected out of you for improving yourself, without anyone having the need to remind you or regulate you. Self-discipline is also about making sure you work for your betterment, motivate yourself, stay on the right track, and continue doing the same.Self-discipline can also be defined as an important personality trait that helps you regulate yourself for the purpose of achieving improvement in life. If you want to be an icon of self-discipline, then...View more
Practical Ways To Improve Yourself
Improving self or self-improvement is rather self-explanatory. Self-improvement primarily is the process of making yourself better day after day, in terms of knowledge, skills, personality, mind or character, or any other specific desire you have in mind.You have something in mind that you want to flip over. Certainly, you have a desire to change something about yourselves. Whatever your area of improvement is, three obvious steps drive the process. Identify your target area that you want to improve. Enable change and work out ways in which you can arrest your pitfalls leading in that path. Learn from failures and curb...View more
Change your life in 10 minutes a day
You need to understand that one thing constant in life is change. Change is inevitable. You are surrounded by change all around, and there is no escape from it. With the lapse of time, situations keep changing. Life is not a bed of roses, nor is it a bed of thorns. No bad situation stays for long, no good condition sticks forever.Change is part of life and does not come to you by chance. However, you can still create chances on your own to change your life the way you desire by adopting few life management skills.Employ one or more...View more

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5 ways to live a happy and successful life
Everyone wishes to live a life that is full of happiness and dreams of having all comforts that life has to offer. Living a happy and successful life requires no specific qualities. Everyone has their own way of defining both happiness and success. A rich might be successful but never happy, while a poor might be happy but never successful. A CEO of a company might look successful to all his employees, but maybe he never felt the same way himself. While an employee might not be as successful as the CEO, but maybe he might be leading a more...View more
Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day
Reading is a skill that enhances your ability to stay focused. The improved concentration of mind is a remarkable and significant benefit of reading. If you read more books, it means you are investing in your competence to distillate and develop a successful learning attitude.Read today for a better tomorrow. And the more you keep reading, the more you will find it interesting and enjoyable in the future. Reading also boosts your performance and builds your personality. By reading every day, you not only increase your self-esteem and vocabulary but also strengthen your communication skills.You should read every day in...View more
How to stay positive – simple tips and tricks
You need to be positive in life to yield results in your favor. When you shift your perspective and approach in handling a tough situation, you automatically help yourself in living a happier and more fulfilling life. It is pretty easy to take the advice to stay positive. But it isn’t that easy to follow. Because you get to face challenging feelings like anger, sadness, etc. in many walks of life. 12 tips to stay positiveBelow is a list of excellent tips to stay positive, that you need to follow for shaping up overall well-being. 1. Engage yourself in useful...View more
How to calm down – 10 instant ways to calm
You have to be emotionally balanced in life. Despite the number of attempts you make to suppress your anxieties, you still face situations in which you react instantly. It is, therefore, important that you fine-tune your senses and stay calm and carry on in life, to drive towards your destined path.10 Instant ways to calmAt times like these, it is really important that you test and try from the various strategies stated below to help yourself calm down right away. 1. Do things that give you happiness. There will be a number of small things that you can do to...View more

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